SUMMER IMPORTS: Yokai Watch #1

This Summer, I’m giving a series a shot, and you can find it here each week, its called “Yokai Watch” and its headed to the USA in less than a year, and its not stoping there, video games and toys are headed they’re way too! but lets get to explaining what this series is gonna be about. One day, whilst searching for bugs in the woods in Springdale (Sakura New Town (based on Tsukuba, Ibaraki), a boy named Nathan Adams (Keita Amano) comes across a peculiar capsule machine next to a sacred tree (in the games, players can choose to play as a girl named Katie (Fumika Kodama). When he opens one of the capsules up, it brings forth a Yo-kai named Whisper, who gives Nate a device known as the Yo-kai Watch. Using this, Nate is able to identify and see various different Yo-kai that are haunting people and causing mischief. Joined by the cat Yo-kai Jibanyan, Nate and Whisper start making friends with all sorts of Yo-kai, which he can summon to battle against more ill-intentioned Yo-kai that happen to live in his town, haunting the residents and causing terrible trouble.